How to fix the Whirlpool 6 sense F6E4 Error.

I’m writing this blog post in the hope that You find yourself reading this in desperate need of help to fix this issue.

Now I’m not saying this solution solves the problem 100% of the time, but I’m fairly confident that 90% of you out there with this error code experienced the same problem I did.

If you have the most common cause for this error, then I have some good news for you, you can fix this yourself in a matter of minutes.

So take a sigh of relief, It’s likely you won’t have to call in an expensive repair man.

Firstly what’s actually happened? What is the problem?

The bottom of the dishwasher contains a spill off reservoir, this reservoir will fill up over time from just regular use. Inside this reservoir is a sensor, if it’s too fill it triggers the sensor, and generates a F6E4 error.

F6, typically means that there is no water source connected. E4 means the reservoir is full.

So the full message in human readable form is “I your dishwasher, cannot take in more water because the reservoir is already full”. Hence F6 because E4.

The fix

1. Clean out any water from the inside of your dishwasher. This includes the filter area and the salt area. Don’t worry about getting it baby bottom dry, just make sure it’s somewhat dry. Also use this opportunity to give the inside a nice clean.

2. This is the tricky part but ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Get your dishwasher out of it’s built in cabinet. Give yourself a prep talk and get it out of there. More than likely you can just disconnect the power, inflow and outflow, but if it was installed correctly there should be enough play on the inflow and outflow to just disconnect the electricity and slide it out. Just make sure you do disconnect the power first.

3. Now once it’s out another easy part – just tilt the machine to get the water out the reservoir. Water will go all over your floor, this means you’re doing it right. Make sure you get it as dry as possible. Get as much water out as possible.

4. Put it all back, reconnect the power and inflow / outflow if needed.

5. Run P2 – without any dishes as a test, it’s the shortest cycle.

6. Jump up and down because you saved yourself a repair man.