Logitech Clearchat wireless usb replacement transmitter grievances

I’m writing this post because I want to get an idea of how many people have the same problem as me.

I bought a Logitech Clearchat wireless headset. The headset itself is perhaps the best I’ve ever owned. Love it.

Recently I accidently broke the USB Dongle for the Logitech Clearchat headset.

Logitech do not offer replacement parts. And they expect you to buy a whole new headset.

I was disturbed, but after doing some searching found out a lot of people have the same problem. Ebay have literally 0 for sale. And yet the product is still being sold as Logitechs premium wireless headset.

If you have the same problem, leave a comment. No registration required, and don’t use a real email address if you don’t want to.

PS: I am really disappointed with Logitech for this. Sheds a whole new light on how they do business.