The problem I have with R3ndi3r from Youtube (South Africa)

R3ndi3r also known as Renaldo runs a fairly popular channel on Youtube. Attracting views from disgruntled South Africans as well as viewers from all over the world. R3ndi3r provides a unique insight into real issues facing the “average” South African. R3ndi3r can be thought of as somewhat of an activist who feels it is his duty to report on current issues to his subscribers. I get the feeling that R3ndi3r is trying to raise international awareness on the situation in South Africa but primarily serves as the voice for disgruntled white South Africans. He essentially provides a great deal of South Africans with a regular dose of comforting.

South Africa is a boiling pot full of racial tension. It could be referred to as “the rainbow nation”, some people might even call it diverse. You could also consider it to be a mess where sub groups don’t integrate very well. I’m not entirely sure the situation is getting any better. There are still a great deal of white people who dream of having a “white only” state. The South African news media specifically mention the color of a persons skin all the time, for example : “White man beaten up by Robbers”, “White farmers killed in recent shooting”, “Black woman wins bingo competition”. Here are some real examples : here and here and here and here and here. In the meantime black people seem to be racist towards white people (and still feel resentful of their oppressors). The situation is worsened because a great deal of black people who were living in the apartheid days were promised a “free ride” by the ANC (African National Congress) – free housing, free education, I sometimes wonder if they were promised free food too. Well they’re still living in poverty. White people on the other hand spoon feed by the NP (National Party / Apartheid days) now have laws such as AA (Affirmative Action) which actually limits the jobs they can apply for. As part of a wealth distribution program, companies are forced to employ a majority of black people, then have an Asian sub culture, finally white people are considered for jobs as a last resort.

There are however a large number of South Africans who live in luxury despite all the poverty going on around them. However they are constantly the target for violent gun related crimes. There is a clear and visible distinction between “those who have, and those who do not have”. A very small percentage of the country are middle class by European standards. Meanwhile farmers are still getting slaughtered, could this accurately be described as Genocide?

I hope the picture I’ve just painted was clear. R3ndi3r is out there producing his weekly / monthly rants, but I’m wondering how effective a voice he really is? His overall message is not very positive, and I don’t blame him for this. I respect his right to exercise freedom of speech and do what he wants. All I am saying is, he’s not using his head.

The obvious question facing R3ndi3r is why doesn’t he just leave South Africa? I wonder if he is expecting the situation for white people to improve? R3ndi3r needs to open up his history books and review some case studies of historical events, because as they say “History repeats itself”. See it doesn’t matter where in the world you are eventually the majority group of the population will cease power, and once they have that power subgroups typically get persecuted. Don’t believe me? Ask any African American. It’s 2010, and they’re still complaining about equality issues.

Watch this video – Notice that this video has no racial connotations, it simply demonstrates the power of the majority, it is scientific evidence that most people do not want to be in the minority.

Need more proof, take a look at these : Russians target subgroups, Hindus target Christians, What about the USA? too much evidence to mention, Czech Republic (read the description for the video). You might dismiss these as isolated incidences, but lets face it, if you’re in the minority, you’re going to get targeted sooner or later if you pose some treat, even if you don’t you’ll never be completely accepted unless you assimilate.

But who wants to assimilate? Not very many people as it turns out, people are very proud of their heritage. Look at these : , or ever seen “My big fat Greek wedding”? Well there is a lot of truth in that movie. Subgroups really do stick together like this rather than integrate. If the subgroup is in the extreme minority it will be tolerated because it provides cultural diversity value for the majority. However as this subgroup grows in power and numbers it will eventually strike some chords, and invoke fear in the majority.

Anyways – what I’m getting at is – R3ndi3r, you’re in the minority, likewise every white person in South Africa. In Dangerous proportions, and considering the history of South Africa treading on thin ice. Either live with this fact or leave the country, find greener pastures where you are once again in the creed majority. Please don’t think the issue will be solved in 10, 20 or 50 years from now. Past injustices are seldom forgotten. A great deal of Czech people, still despise Germans primarily because of their occupation during WW2. What about the youth who never lived through the war? They’re as prejudice as their parents who have taught them well. How about the natives in Hawaii, they’re still blowing their horn about how the Calvinist missionaries destroyed their island way of life (190) years ago.

Next point: Who actually cares? The world has a certain tolerance towards bad news. The general population will watch the news, and get an overview of what is going on in the world. News media have a tendency to focus on the less mundane aspects of life. The sheer scale of global coverage means that we’ll hear about something extraordinary virtually every single day. However for the most part, life goes on. The situation in South Africa in comparison to other global events simply does not warrant the type of attention R3ndi3r deems. Issues like global recession, Russia on fire, Australian information censorship, The war in the Middle east all seem far more critical than the situation in South Africa. Its common sense really the racial tension in South Africa cannot really be solved by external involvement.

As Haile Selassie once stated : “Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war and until there are no longer first-class and second-class citizens of any nation, until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes. And until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race, there is war. And until that day, the dream of lasting peace, world citizenship, rule of international morality, will remain but a fleeting illusion to be pursued, but never attained… now everywhere is war.” Yes its also a Bob Marley song. Its a song that clearly states the problem a minority group faces. However if you want to see progress, then we need to follow the advice of Morgan Freeman, who in my opinion has the best solution to this problem:

Clearly R3ndi3r is part of a nameless movement. Its motto is “Fight for the rights of the forgotten White South African”.  There is a fine line though between a slacktivist and an activist. Bitching till your hearts content on Youtube might provide a valuable way to blow off steam, but does this invoke change. I am not sure. Change requires extreme measures. I think if nothing more R3ndi3r is a starling reminder for those of us who have left South Africa, not to get too homesick and enjoy our new lives away from all that racial tension.

Electronic Cigarettes explained

Electronic cigarettes are definitely a new technology worth talking about. They’re as close as you’ll get to the real thing, without the health risks.

The glamor of the 50’s for the health conscience.

E-cigs do not produce carbon emissions and because of this no cancer causing toxins are delivered to your body. They do deliver nicotine, and so they can completely replace a regulars smokers habit / addiction.

Traditional quitting methods boil down to

  • A. Completely remove nicotine (cold turkey)
  • B. Reach a state of elevation which allows you to quit easily (Allen Carr Books or Hypnosis)
  • C Replace nicotine with non smoke related products that don’t resemble smoking (Gum, Snuff or Patch)
  • D. Drugs which have side effects that lesson the desire to smoke (Zyban)
  • E. Drugs which are designed to occupy nicotine receptors and reduce nicotine receptor functionality (Champix)

What is great about e-cigs are they invert the main problem with quitting, an e-cig doesn’t require you quit smoking, rather you switch to another device type. Similar to switching from a regular cigarette to a pipe.

28 days ago I quit regular cigarettes in favor for the e-cig. Since then my sense of smell has noticeably improved. Lung capacity enhanced (No more smokers cough), my overall energy levels have increased too.

I’m starting to appreciate the more subtle benefits. I can smoke e-cigs indoors, when others have to go outside (great for winter days or when its raining). I can take less breaks from the PC. If you’re a heavy smoker, you could chain smoke e-cigs all day at your desk without anyone in the office complaining. No more messy ashtrays lying around the house. Your hair and skin doesn’t stink. I would also say your breath doesn’t stink, but more accurately your lungs don’t stink. If you have a non smoking partner, by switching to e-cigs you’ll become a whole lot more attractive. If you’re on the dating scene, you’re technically a non smoker.

This is technology at its finest, it has the potential to shake the foundations of the tobacco empire. This is why the FDA, the American Lung Association and Tobacco companies are trying their best to get e-cigs banned. Shake a tree and the rotten apples will fall! Clearly if electronic cigarettes have taught us anything, it’s who not to trust with our health. They (all apposed) realise the huge taxation losses that would result if e-cigs (God forbid) were to find favor in the market place. Medical tests conclude that an e-cig poses 1% of the health risks of a traditional toxic cigarette. Meanwhile the FDA are trying to spread propaganda, well as the late Bob Marley put it “You can fool some people sometimes, but you can’t fool all the people all the time…”. This is very true, I don’t think there is very much the Tobacco empire can do to prevent the flood gates opening because even though they have the average smoker in their clutches, a great deal of smokers were tricked into starting in the first place, and actually don’t want to die a premature and painfully slow death from tobacco related illness. So FUCK the FDA.

Overall I highly recommend anyone wanting to try ecigs to consider getting an Ego or Riva or Tornado, these are designed for the heavy smoker in mind. If you want a slimmer model, I recommend the Joye 510 (also suitable for ladies).  I’m not an advertising site, so please use Google to search for the type of electronic cigarettes I’ve recommended. The best guidance can be found here.

The 7 commandments for the intelligent man on the internet

It seems the internet has been taken over by trolls, idiots and the misinformed. If you have reasonable intelligence and some morals, you’ll notice that the longer you spend on the internet the more you start to notice just how unreasonable, how ignorant and how common the average internet dweller is.

Here are a few must do things you can do to protect yourself from virtual insanity. If you’re finding you’re getting driven up the wall, not to worry do the following:

  1. Thou shalt visit small niched community sites more often as opposed to 1 site fits all sites targeting the general cattle population (example Reddit and Youtube).
  2. Thou shalt not tweet just for the hell of it, without a specific purpose in mind.
  3. Thou shalt use social networking, but thou shalt not get carried away with it. Keep things in perspective.
  4. Thou shalt learn 2 clear categories for sites you visit. Either thou is looking at sites targeting the cattle class, or thou is visiting sites with a specific niche. Specific niche communities tend to be smaller with much less trolls. Cattle class sites have a much higher troll population.
  5. When thou visits cattle class sites, thou shalt not not participate in discussions EVER! No discussion thou participates in will have any lasting effect on anyone. Getting involved in discussions will usually only end up with some troll throwing a wrench into the works, which will upset you.
  6. Thou shalt never cast thine eyes apon a Youtube comment, lest thy wishes to turn into a pillar of salt. Futhermore thou shalt endevour to install scripts such as “comment snob” or grease monkey to completely remove youtube comments from thine vision.
  7. Thou shalt attempt to seek out better internet grazing pastures with all thy strength, and avoid bathing in the dirty waters of youtube and reddit.